deviantArt Plugins Released!

I’m please to announce that version 1.0 of the deviantArt stash plugins for Inkscape and Gimp are released.

It’s a Big Deal

This is a BIG deal my friends and I’m very excited because not only do we have this functionality, but we have it FIRST, before ANY proprietary software package. That’s right, the stash API was only announced last week and here I am giving you the keys to brand spanking new functionality right from within your favourite art creation applications!

We can do something with art that no other software can do today… send your artwork (with or without sources) directly to your deviantArt account… then once uploaded it can (at your option) open up the web browser so you can look at the artwork, send your friends a link or publish it further in your main galleries.

Oh and you can submit from the command line using the da-submit command.

Where do I get it!?

You can get the goodness from the source tarball or from my ppa if you’re using Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04 by following these steps:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/deviantart-plugins
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-dastash inkscape-extension-dastash

Please report bugs in launchpad, if you would like to make these plugins available for other platforms, please do let me know. If you know someone who will sponsor these packages into Debian, also get in touch. Because this is the sort of functionality that should be available directly from the software center.

How do I use it?

Simply go into either Inkscape or Gimp…

Open up an XCF gimp file and from the Image menu, select ‘Publish to’ > ‘deviantArt Stash’:

Open up an SVG file and from the Extensions menu, select ‘Publish to’ > ‘deviantArt’:

A small window will appear, fill in the title and maybe a few keywords and press ok… If this is your first time uploading you will get a pop-up asking you to authenticate:

Log in and now wait as your image is saved as a png, and then the png and source files as sent to deivnatArt. Inkscape might give you a warning that the extension returns (saying you weren’t authenticated) you can safely ignore it. You should still get the webpage pop up in your web browser showing your your new devination:

Now you can edit the piece in the browser and publish it to one of your galleries and give it a good CC license too. Don’t forget that the sources are made available by default, so be sure that’s what you want to do.

With Thanks To

A big shout out to Gilles Dubuc and Mike Halpert from deviantArt who made sure that bugs were fixed and I was given help trying to fix some of the problems with OAuth. Thanks LGM for hosting an awesome event that allowed the project to happen.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please add a comment to this blog entry…

21 thoughts on “deviantArt Plugins Released!

  1. Is there any actual documentation on this API? Google is helplessly pointing me at your pages. And deviantArt helpfully has no obvious links, and searching for “stash api” there is utterly useless.

  2. This is really great news!
    I can’t wait to try it out in action (I guess I’ll have to get a DA account first).

  3. Anyone interested in using the same APIs as Martin to integrate with deviantART, please contact me: gilles @

    The APIs will be publicly released and available soon (in a matter of weeks). Until then we prefer to give access manually until it’s ready for a public launch.

  4. How do you deal with shipping the API key (client_secret) within the source code? Isn’t there any risk that someone picks the client_id and client_secret and misuses them in some way?

  5. Pingback: GIMP And Inkscape Plugins To Publish Images To DeviantArt
  6. @Carlos – I moaned about that myself, the API doesn’t support it at the moment. But I’ve explained how important it is to our community so hopefully we’ll get improvements in the API and then I can upgrade the plugins.

  7. Pingback: ABC Ubuntu » Publikacja grafiki bezpośrednio z GIMP i Inkscape w serwisie deviantArt
  8. Pingback: מימוש ה־API של deviantART ב־Gimp וב־Inkscape | הקובץ
  9. This is a really nice plugin . this is the kind of development we need in the open source world , integration , with all kind of different services and software .
    Thank you Mo.

  10. Hello,

    I’d like to use the command line script but my python level is really poor. when i launch it i have this :

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “./da-submit”, line 29, in
    from dastash import dAStash
    File “../lib/”, line 37, in
    from poster.encode import multipart_encode
    ImportError: No module named poster.encode

    to install i use your setup script like this :

    sudo ./ install

    then go in the bin folder and launch :

    ./da-submit “Test title” picture.png

    I think some python module are not install but.. i don’t known wich one to install.

    If you could help me please.

    Best regards


  11. Sorry i post to quick, with the ppa i don’t have the error.

    But the picture doesn’t upload 🙁

    The script ask me to authenticate on deviant art, to authorize the app. but when i try : da-submit “Title” picture.png

  12. Ok it’s me again :p

    Always with the command line (i got the upload now 🙂 ), after a moment i got this message :

    WARNING:root:Request Failed: OAuth realm=”deviantArt oAuth2″, error=”expired_token”, error-desc=”Expired oAuth2 user token. The client should request a new one with an access code or a refresh token.”

    The only way i found to resolve is to delete the ~/.cache/deviantArt directory, but after this i have the webbrowser again who ask me my id and password.

    Did i made something rong ?

  13. Ok i resolve my problem with a small script that made this :

    rm -Rf ~/.cache/deviantArt/deviantArt.session
    da-submit Title “$@”

    now i can play 🙂

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